My approach to life
My dominant life success factor is active exploration — constantly seeking knowledge and information to improve my own performance and outlook as well as to help others achieve their fulfilling life visions.
My brief story
Not long ago, I was drifting along in life. I had a nice and comfortable life. But I realized I wasn’t really trying. And I started to wonder what would happen if I DID try. I started a series of personal development initiatives and my life was quickly transformed. I was happier, more focused, more productive and more engaged in where I wanted to take my life. I wondered how I could share this knowledge with others to give them the same opportunity. That’s one of the reasons I wrote a Encharge (see the enCharge menu) and started writing some blogs. I don’t have all the answers (and if anyone tells you they DO have all the answers, run!), but I love helping people ask serious questions about how to make their lives epic. And here we are.
I want to help you create an amazing life vision for yourself and identify your life success factors that will guide you along the way. enCharge is a summary of the beginning of my journey and Awakening and the my SIP of the Day posts are the best way I can think of encapsulate and share what I’m continuing to learn with you. My hope is that this site can serve as a forum for exchange because we learn the most from each other.